Sunday, September 6, 2009

Under The Weather A Bit

Hello Everyone! I caught what Peter had and haven't felt very good today, so we didn't see the boys. I asked George to let the orphanage know. They don't use the word "orphanage" in Ukraine. It is called a children's house. They always look at you strange when you say orphanage. Russian cannot be completely translated word for word into english. I asked George(our driver) to tutor the boys next week while we are here in the flat waiting for the passports. He was delighted to do so! I am so happy. George is really good with the boys and I will write down some phrases that the boys will need once we leave that they can be working on. The American dollar is going up, it is almost 9 to 1. When we arrived it was 8 ghrivnas to 1 dollar. The economy is not very good here in Ukraine. Hence, we continue to enjoy low cost meals for dinner!!!
Another thing we are loving is chocolate-especially Drew! European chocolate is the best! So tomorrow the boys will spend their last night as orphans!!! Praise the Lord! We cannot wait to bring them home. Some of our conversations lately with George have been about Washington state. I am so thankful for the beautiful place in which we live, actually the amazing country we call our own. Our friendship has grown with George and I am convincing him to visit us. He says he misses Derek and Luke too! So my point is, I have been intentionally trying not to think about home ,so as to avoid homesickness, but as we started to tell George about all things we would show him when he visits, I longed for USA!
Many of you have not been able to post a comment-sorry about that! When I followed other people's blogs I had the same problem. I kept on trying and sometimes it would finally work. Blogger must have a problem with this. Thanks Carole,Tracy and Julia for your comments and also Sandi!!! Love you all and I am so thankful for the people the Lord has blessed our family with!! Tuesday, September 8 is the transition date and the first night they will spend with us-Please pray for them as they leave what they have known for 2 years and become Carlson's!



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