Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Yesterday we went to see the boys after a trip to the notary ( 2 hours) The days are long as it takes awhile to get out to the town where they are and now they are in two different places. Viktor is at a summer camp and Peter is at a clinic. We found out yesterday that there were some problems with the adoption going forward and also the boys have to agree upon being adopted. Well that makes sense, but unnerving, as we didn't know this was part of the process. The good news is both the boys have agreed to be a part of our family!!! I almost started to cry when I found out that the problems were resolved and that the boys will be back together in 2 more days, a provision they made just for us, so we can see them together every day!!! Meanwhile our new friends, the three missionary families, watched over Sav, Luke and Drew because we couldn't take them with us yesterday. We are humbled by the goodness of our Lord, He is mighty!!!!!!!!! When we arrived to see Peter he ran out to us and hugged me! He is such a cute little guy. Viktor is a little more reserved, although today he started to show us his silly side. The boys both have expressed interest in soccer (futbol) so today we bought them soccer balls and also for Peter, a soccer uniform, he said he really wanted a uniform. We are relying on our facilitator/translator to help us and they have been great! We now have a driver, George is his name and today was our first day with him. We all have to cram into his sedan, but it works. Darla if you are reading this you know what I mean about all the stuff that goes on here in Ukraine!! Everyone here speaks Russian and fashion is of the utmost importance!! Women dress to kill and the skirts are short and the heels are high(I mean 5-6 inches) A lot of the women look like Russian models. Our flat is too small but we will survive and Ukrainians don't have dryers. All clothes are hung dry! We are soooo spoiled in America. Tomorrow is Derek's birthday. Not sure what we will do. We have to be at the notary again tomorrow and then off to see the boys. Viktor likes cards so we have a deck of cards to take to him. He had a keychain in his pocket today but he didn't know what it was and a few cards (playing). They have so little so what they have is important. All the teenagers at Peter's place loved using their minmal English skills on Savannah. They called to her"What is your name" and finally enticed her to come over and they all bombarded her and talked and brought her a few gifts. It was very endearing. She wil bring them a gift tomorrow. Ukrainians are very relational even though they do not hug! So the boys hugging us is wonderful and they are getting better at it and used to it! We will spend another night at the missionary( Olivia and David's) tomorrow for dinner. Oh, I'll let them know it is Derek's birthday. Oh, also one thing a few of the administrators can't understand why we want to adopt because we already have children. Derek explained to them the calling that God put on our hearts and how the Bible talks about caring for orphans!! You never see families with kids our kids' age together it is strange. They are paying people to have babies because their birth rate is negative.

Blessings and Lord Willing talk to you soon!!

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